Arthur Chanter

Arthur Maybee Chanter was an Australian composer, conductor, music teacher, choir master and musician. An accomplished pianist and watercolorist, Chanter was among the earliest music graduates of the University of Melbourne where he was instructed by George Marshall-Hall In 1910 Chanter was the adjudicator of a musical Eistedfodd and band competition of an association of native-born Australians in Western Australia. He married Sara Kate Campbell in 1915. He live mostly in Brighton, Victoria and Elsternwick, but was well travelled. He advocated recording as a means to reach the working clubs and masses and was damning of the teaching methods in public schools. He retired to Euroa and died in 1950.

Arthur Chanter

Arthur Maybee Chanter was an Australian composer, conductor, music teacher, choir master and musician. An accomplished pianist and watercolorist, Chanter was among the earliest music graduates of the University of Melbourne where he was instructed by George Marshall-Hall In 1910 Chanter was the adjudicator of a musical Eistedfodd and band competition of an association of native-born Australians in Western Australia. He married Sara Kate Campbell in 1915. He live mostly in Brighton, Victoria and Elsternwick, but was well travelled. He advocated recording as a means to reach the working clubs and masses and was damning of the teaching methods in public schools. He retired to Euroa and died in 1950.