Arthur Nwankwo

Arthur Agwuncha Nwankwo was a Nigerian author, pro-democracy activist, chancellor of EMU, and former vice-chairman of the National Democratic Coalition. As Chancellor of the Eastern Mandate Union (EMU), Nwankwo championed a return to democratic governance during a military interlude in governance under General Sani Abacha. He was detained on June 3, 1998 and was released upon the sudden death of Abacha in the same month. In 2003, he unsuccessfully ran for president under the banner of the independent People's Mandate Party, a group created out of EMU.

Arthur Nwankwo

Arthur Agwuncha Nwankwo was a Nigerian author, pro-democracy activist, chancellor of EMU, and former vice-chairman of the National Democratic Coalition. As Chancellor of the Eastern Mandate Union (EMU), Nwankwo championed a return to democratic governance during a military interlude in governance under General Sani Abacha. He was detained on June 3, 1998 and was released upon the sudden death of Abacha in the same month. In 2003, he unsuccessfully ran for president under the banner of the independent People's Mandate Party, a group created out of EMU.