Article One (political party)

Article One (Italian: Articolo Uno, Art.1), officially the Article 1 – Democratic and Progressive Movement (Articolo 1 – Movimento Democratico e Progressista, Art.1–MDP), is a social-democratic political party in Italy. Most of the party's members were formerly affiliated to the Democrats of the Left (DS). The name refers to article 1 of the Constitution that defines Italy as "a democratic republic based on labour" and affirms popular sovereignty. Art.1 leader Speranza has been Minister of Health since 2019, both in Conte II Cabinet and Draghi Cabinet.

Article One (political party)

Article One (Italian: Articolo Uno, Art.1), officially the Article 1 – Democratic and Progressive Movement (Articolo 1 – Movimento Democratico e Progressista, Art.1–MDP), is a social-democratic political party in Italy. Most of the party's members were formerly affiliated to the Democrats of the Left (DS). The name refers to article 1 of the Constitution that defines Italy as "a democratic republic based on labour" and affirms popular sovereignty. Art.1 leader Speranza has been Minister of Health since 2019, both in Conte II Cabinet and Draghi Cabinet.