Ash Ingestion Detection for Aircraft (AIDA)

Aircraft are susceptible to encounters with volcanic ash particles during flight. The volcanic ash particles which are ingested can easily contaminate the fuselage of the aircraft. The contamination will necessitate the cleaning of the cockpit electronics and panels, panels, circuit breaker panels and passenger and baggage compartments. The electrical and aircraft avionics systems can be so heavily be covered with volcanic ash particles to the point where a complete replacement is required, due to overheating or diminished accuracy of the equipment. The ash can be drawn into cargo-hold and affect the fire-warning system and can cause spurious alarms. The ash itself is hazardous to the engines by melting and solidifying as a glassy material on the turbine blades, affects the small tolerance

Ash Ingestion Detection for Aircraft (AIDA)

Aircraft are susceptible to encounters with volcanic ash particles during flight. The volcanic ash particles which are ingested can easily contaminate the fuselage of the aircraft. The contamination will necessitate the cleaning of the cockpit electronics and panels, panels, circuit breaker panels and passenger and baggage compartments. The electrical and aircraft avionics systems can be so heavily be covered with volcanic ash particles to the point where a complete replacement is required, due to overheating or diminished accuracy of the equipment. The ash can be drawn into cargo-hold and affect the fire-warning system and can cause spurious alarms. The ash itself is hazardous to the engines by melting and solidifying as a glassy material on the turbine blades, affects the small tolerance