Ashvin (month)

Ashwin or Ashvin or Ashwan (/əˈʃwɪn/; Bengali: আশ্বিন; Hindi: अश्विन; Odia: ଆଶ୍ୱିନ; Malay/Indonesian: Aswin; Thai: Asawin), also known as Aswayuja, is the seventh month of the lunisolar Hindu calendar, the solar calendar where it is known as Aipassi and the solar India's national civil calendar. It is the sixth month in the solar Bengali calendar and seventh in the lunar Indian national calendar of the Deccan Plateau. It falls in the season of Shôrot, (Hindi Sharad) or Autumn. In Vedic Jyotish, Ashwin begins with the Sun's enter in Virgo.

Ashvin (month)

Ashwin or Ashvin or Ashwan (/əˈʃwɪn/; Bengali: আশ্বিন; Hindi: अश्विन; Odia: ଆଶ୍ୱିନ; Malay/Indonesian: Aswin; Thai: Asawin), also known as Aswayuja, is the seventh month of the lunisolar Hindu calendar, the solar calendar where it is known as Aipassi and the solar India's national civil calendar. It is the sixth month in the solar Bengali calendar and seventh in the lunar Indian national calendar of the Deccan Plateau. It falls in the season of Shôrot, (Hindi Sharad) or Autumn. In Vedic Jyotish, Ashwin begins with the Sun's enter in Virgo.