
Aspathines (Ancient Greek: Ἀσπαθίνης) or Aspačanā (Old Persian: 𐎠𐎿𐎱𐎨𐎴𐎠; literally “delighting in horses”) (born and died sometime between 550 BC and 450BC) was a senior official under Darius the Great and Xerxes I of Persia. Aspathines is illustrated on the tomb of Darius I at Naqsh-e Rostam, with a dedication: Aspacanâ \ vaçabara \ Dârayavahauš \ xšâyathiyahyâ \ isuvâm \ dârayatiyAspathines, the bowbearer,holds king Darius' battle-axe. — DNd inscription of Darius at Naqsh-e Rostam. The only other courtier to be named with a dedication was Gobryas.


Aspathines (Ancient Greek: Ἀσπαθίνης) or Aspačanā (Old Persian: 𐎠𐎿𐎱𐎨𐎴𐎠; literally “delighting in horses”) (born and died sometime between 550 BC and 450BC) was a senior official under Darius the Great and Xerxes I of Persia. Aspathines is illustrated on the tomb of Darius I at Naqsh-e Rostam, with a dedication: Aspacanâ \ vaçabara \ Dârayavahauš \ xšâyathiyahyâ \ isuvâm \ dârayatiyAspathines, the bowbearer,holds king Darius' battle-axe. — DNd inscription of Darius at Naqsh-e Rostam. The only other courtier to be named with a dedication was Gobryas.