Assembly of Confessing Congregations (Uniting Church in Australia)

The Assembly of Confessing Congregations (ACC) is an evangelical or conservative Christian group, an expression of the Confessing Movement, within the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) that formed after the 11th Assembly, on 13–14 October 2006 following a joint summit on 12 July 2006 between the Evangelical Members within the Uniting Church in Australia (EMU) and the Reforming Alliance within the Uniting Church in Australia. The group also includes a number of UCA congregations drawing their membership from various Pacific Islands nations, as well as Chinese, Korean and Aboriginal congregations.

Assembly of Confessing Congregations (Uniting Church in Australia)

The Assembly of Confessing Congregations (ACC) is an evangelical or conservative Christian group, an expression of the Confessing Movement, within the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) that formed after the 11th Assembly, on 13–14 October 2006 following a joint summit on 12 July 2006 between the Evangelical Members within the Uniting Church in Australia (EMU) and the Reforming Alliance within the Uniting Church in Australia. The group also includes a number of UCA congregations drawing their membership from various Pacific Islands nations, as well as Chinese, Korean and Aboriginal congregations.