Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique

The Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique (ANGC, National Guide Association of the Central African Republic) is the national Guiding organization of the Central African Republic. It serves 19,497 members (as of 2003). Founded under French Equatorial Africa in 1952, the girls-only organization became a full member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1963.

Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique

The Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique (ANGC, National Guide Association of the Central African Republic) is the national Guiding organization of the Central African Republic. It serves 19,497 members (as of 2003). Founded under French Equatorial Africa in 1952, the girls-only organization became a full member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1963.