Astylos of Croton

Astylos of Croton (Ἄστυλος/Ἀστύαλος ὁ Κροτωνιάτης) was an athlete from ancient Croton who starred in the Olympic Games of the 5th century BC. He was mentioned in records from General Pausanias that claim he excelled in three successive Olympic games from 488 to 480 BC, in the running events of stadion and diaulos. Diodorus Siculus calls him Astylos of Syracuse and uses his third victory to date the Persian invasion in 480 BC..". In Italy, Astylos was famous for equaling the achievements of previous champion athlete Chionis of Sparta. Astylos matched the achievements of Chionis by winning the stadion and diaulos events on three occasions, as well as winning the hoplitodromos event.

Astylos of Croton

Astylos of Croton (Ἄστυλος/Ἀστύαλος ὁ Κροτωνιάτης) was an athlete from ancient Croton who starred in the Olympic Games of the 5th century BC. He was mentioned in records from General Pausanias that claim he excelled in three successive Olympic games from 488 to 480 BC, in the running events of stadion and diaulos. Diodorus Siculus calls him Astylos of Syracuse and uses his third victory to date the Persian invasion in 480 BC..". In Italy, Astylos was famous for equaling the achievements of previous champion athlete Chionis of Sparta. Astylos matched the achievements of Chionis by winning the stadion and diaulos events on three occasions, as well as winning the hoplitodromos event.