Atlantic (yacht)

The Atlantic was built in 1903 by shipyard, and designed by , and Frederick Maxfield Hoyt (yacht designer) for . The three-masted schooner was skippered by Charlie Barr who was accompanied by navigator and tactician Frederick Maxfield Hoyt when it set the record for fastest transatlantic passage by a monohull in the 1905 Kaiser's Cup race. The record remained unbroken for nearly 100 years. Her speed and elegance have made her the subject of a book.

Atlantic (yacht)

The Atlantic was built in 1903 by shipyard, and designed by , and Frederick Maxfield Hoyt (yacht designer) for . The three-masted schooner was skippered by Charlie Barr who was accompanied by navigator and tactician Frederick Maxfield Hoyt when it set the record for fastest transatlantic passage by a monohull in the 1905 Kaiser's Cup race. The record remained unbroken for nearly 100 years. Her speed and elegance have made her the subject of a book.