
Atlantico is a French news website. Founded in March 2011 amid much media attention, it quickly attracted notice for scoops related to scandals involving the Socialist politician and International Monetary Fund head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The website is inspired by the American websites The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast. It characterizes its editorial position as "[classical] liberal and independent", while other French media have associated it with the right wing of the French political spectrum, a label rejected by Atlantico.


Atlantico is a French news website. Founded in March 2011 amid much media attention, it quickly attracted notice for scoops related to scandals involving the Socialist politician and International Monetary Fund head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The website is inspired by the American websites The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast. It characterizes its editorial position as "[classical] liberal and independent", while other French media have associated it with the right wing of the French political spectrum, a label rejected by Atlantico.