Augmented dodecahedron

In geometry, the augmented dodecahedron is one of the Johnson solids (J58), consisting of a dodecahedron with a pentagonal pyramid (J2) attached to one of the faces. When two or three such pyramids are attached, the result may be a parabiaugmented dodecahedron, a metabiaugmented dodecahedron or a triaugmented dodecahedron.

Augmented dodecahedron

In geometry, the augmented dodecahedron is one of the Johnson solids (J58), consisting of a dodecahedron with a pentagonal pyramid (J2) attached to one of the faces. When two or three such pyramids are attached, the result may be a parabiaugmented dodecahedron, a metabiaugmented dodecahedron or a triaugmented dodecahedron.