
Aulatornoceratinae is one of three subfamilies of the gonititid family Tornoceratidae, an extinct order of Paleozoic ammonoid cephalopods. Aulotornoceratinae was established as a subfamily by R.T.Becker, 1993, initially for Aulatornoceras, named by Schindewolf, 1922. Subsequently four other genera have been added. Shells of the type genus Aulatornoceras are involute, widely to narrowly umbilicate, with strongly biconvex growth lines. The suture is goniatitic.


Aulatornoceratinae is one of three subfamilies of the gonititid family Tornoceratidae, an extinct order of Paleozoic ammonoid cephalopods. Aulotornoceratinae was established as a subfamily by R.T.Becker, 1993, initially for Aulatornoceras, named by Schindewolf, 1922. Subsequently four other genera have been added. Shells of the type genus Aulatornoceras are involute, widely to narrowly umbilicate, with strongly biconvex growth lines. The suture is goniatitic.