Aulic titulature

Aulic titulature is a term, derived from the Greek aulè and Latin aula (in the meaning palace) for hierarchic systems of titles specifically in use for court protocol. Aulic titulature is the name for a system of official rank titles, conferred - ex officio or nominatim - to actual courtiers and as an honorary rank (for protocol) to various military and civilian officials. The term is most often used with reference to the Hellenistic kingdoms, particularly Ptolemaic Egypt.

Aulic titulature

Aulic titulature is a term, derived from the Greek aulè and Latin aula (in the meaning palace) for hierarchic systems of titles specifically in use for court protocol. Aulic titulature is the name for a system of official rank titles, conferred - ex officio or nominatim - to actual courtiers and as an honorary rank (for protocol) to various military and civilian officials. The term is most often used with reference to the Hellenistic kingdoms, particularly Ptolemaic Egypt.