Aulus Manlius Vulso Capitolinus

Aulus Manlius Vulso Capitolinus was a consular tribune of the Roman Republic in 405, 402 and 397 BC. Manlius belonged to the Manlia gens, one of the oldest patrician gentes of the Republic. Manlius' father, taken from filiations, was named Aulus which would identify him as Aulus Manlius Vulso, decemviri 451 BC, or another otherwise unattested individual. His grandfather was most likely Gnaeus Manlius Cincinnatus, consul 480 BC but can also have been Gnaeus Manlius Vulso, consul 474 BC. , consular tribune 396 BC, and were his brothers. Publius Manlius Capitolinus, dictator 368 BC, and , dictator 363 BC, seem to be the sons of Manlius based on their filiations.

Aulus Manlius Vulso Capitolinus

Aulus Manlius Vulso Capitolinus was a consular tribune of the Roman Republic in 405, 402 and 397 BC. Manlius belonged to the Manlia gens, one of the oldest patrician gentes of the Republic. Manlius' father, taken from filiations, was named Aulus which would identify him as Aulus Manlius Vulso, decemviri 451 BC, or another otherwise unattested individual. His grandfather was most likely Gnaeus Manlius Cincinnatus, consul 480 BC but can also have been Gnaeus Manlius Vulso, consul 474 BC. , consular tribune 396 BC, and were his brothers. Publius Manlius Capitolinus, dictator 368 BC, and , dictator 363 BC, seem to be the sons of Manlius based on their filiations.