Aulus Sempronius Atratinus (consular tribune 425 BC)

Aulus Sempronius Atratinus was a consular tribune of the Roman Republic in 425, 420, 416 BC and possibly consul in 428 BC. Sempronius belonged to the patrician branch of the Sempronia gens. He was the son of Lucius Sempronius Atratinus, consul in 444 BC and one of the first censors of the Republic. Gaius Sempronius Atratinus, consul in 423 BC and a contemporary relative was probably a cousin (son of Aulus Sempronius Atratinus) or a younger brother.

Aulus Sempronius Atratinus (consular tribune 425 BC)

Aulus Sempronius Atratinus was a consular tribune of the Roman Republic in 425, 420, 416 BC and possibly consul in 428 BC. Sempronius belonged to the patrician branch of the Sempronia gens. He was the son of Lucius Sempronius Atratinus, consul in 444 BC and one of the first censors of the Republic. Gaius Sempronius Atratinus, consul in 423 BC and a contemporary relative was probably a cousin (son of Aulus Sempronius Atratinus) or a younger brother.