Aum Tshewang Lham

Amu Tshewang Lham was a vocalist from Tshangkha, Trongsa Bhutan. She was among the selected in a group by the Third Bhutanese King, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck , who is also known as Druk Gyalpo, to go and record the first ever traditional music album of Bhutanese culture; in the year 1968 in Calcutta, India. Among the selected were: Bhutan's most famous female vocalist at the time, 'Aum Thinlem' and 'Aum Dawpey' a famous Bhutanese lute instrument player who was the only one to be rewarded the 'Thugesy' by the king whom Aum Tshewang served for four years.

Aum Tshewang Lham

Amu Tshewang Lham was a vocalist from Tshangkha, Trongsa Bhutan. She was among the selected in a group by the Third Bhutanese King, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck , who is also known as Druk Gyalpo, to go and record the first ever traditional music album of Bhutanese culture; in the year 1968 in Calcutta, India. Among the selected were: Bhutan's most famous female vocalist at the time, 'Aum Thinlem' and 'Aum Dawpey' a famous Bhutanese lute instrument player who was the only one to be rewarded the 'Thugesy' by the king whom Aum Tshewang served for four years.