Auspicious train ticket

Auspicious train tickets (Chinese: 吉祥語車票; pinyin: Jíxiángyǔ Chēpiào) refer to train tickets with auspicious messages on them derived from the beginning and end stations on the ticket. Messages often employ homophonic puns in both Mandarin and Hokkien and shuffling the order of characters to reach the desired effect. In Taiwan, the Edmondson tickets are sought by collectors and people wishing for good luck.

Auspicious train ticket

Auspicious train tickets (Chinese: 吉祥語車票; pinyin: Jíxiángyǔ Chēpiào) refer to train tickets with auspicious messages on them derived from the beginning and end stations on the ticket. Messages often employ homophonic puns in both Mandarin and Hokkien and shuffling the order of characters to reach the desired effect. In Taiwan, the Edmondson tickets are sought by collectors and people wishing for good luck.