Austin Australia

Austin Australia Pty. Ltd. was a Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, based 'design and construct' building organisation, specialising in complex buildings. It was originally formed in 1961 as a wholly owned subsidiary of The Austin Company, Cleveland, Ohio, initially under the name of Austin Anderson Pty. Ltd. It changed its name to Austin Australia in 1982. With headquarters in Sydney and branches in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and South-East Asia, The Austin Company retained ownership of Austin Australia until 1997, when it was acquired by private Australian ownership. However, it retained an affiliation status with The Austin Company in the USA

Austin Australia

Austin Australia Pty. Ltd. was a Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, based 'design and construct' building organisation, specialising in complex buildings. It was originally formed in 1961 as a wholly owned subsidiary of The Austin Company, Cleveland, Ohio, initially under the name of Austin Anderson Pty. Ltd. It changed its name to Austin Australia in 1982. With headquarters in Sydney and branches in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and South-East Asia, The Austin Company retained ownership of Austin Australia until 1997, when it was acquired by private Australian ownership. However, it retained an affiliation status with The Austin Company in the USA