Automotive industry in Germany

The automotive industry in Germany is one of the largest employers in the world, with a labor force of over 857,336 (2016) working in the industry. Being home to the modern car, the German automobile industry is regarded as the most competitive and innovative in the world, and has the third-highest car production in the world, and fourth-highest total motor vehicle production. With an annual output close to six million and a 31.5% share of the European Union (2017),German-designed cars won in the European Car of the Year, the International Car of the Year, the World Car of the Year annual awards the most times among all countries. The Volkswagen Beetle and Porsche 911 took 4th and 5th places in the Car of the Century award.

Automotive industry in Germany

The automotive industry in Germany is one of the largest employers in the world, with a labor force of over 857,336 (2016) working in the industry. Being home to the modern car, the German automobile industry is regarded as the most competitive and innovative in the world, and has the third-highest car production in the world, and fourth-highest total motor vehicle production. With an annual output close to six million and a 31.5% share of the European Union (2017),German-designed cars won in the European Car of the Year, the International Car of the Year, the World Car of the Year annual awards the most times among all countries. The Volkswagen Beetle and Porsche 911 took 4th and 5th places in the Car of the Century award.