B. Ichi

B. Ichi (B壱, "B1") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Ōkubo and serialized in Monthly Shōnen Gangan in 2001–2002. Set in the city of Toykyo, the series focuses on humans known as "Dokeshi", whose abilities to use more than 50% of their brain power allows them to unleash special powers, provided they meet one unique condition each day. For the Dokeshi Shotaro, his condition requires that he do one good deed daily to gain the powers of any animal by biting its bones. After Shotaro meets the traveler Mana, they begin a partnership of journey in the name of justice!

B. Ichi

B. Ichi (B壱, "B1") is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Ōkubo and serialized in Monthly Shōnen Gangan in 2001–2002. Set in the city of Toykyo, the series focuses on humans known as "Dokeshi", whose abilities to use more than 50% of their brain power allows them to unleash special powers, provided they meet one unique condition each day. For the Dokeshi Shotaro, his condition requires that he do one good deed daily to gain the powers of any animal by biting its bones. After Shotaro meets the traveler Mana, they begin a partnership of journey in the name of justice!