
Bezeq's 144 services and the associated b144.co.il website are a telephone directory. The services provides personal and business phone numbers in Israel. In 2008 the b144 website (12th) surpassed the website ranking of the Israeli Golden Pages (13th) in the TIM ranking. The website was launched using the b144.co.il domain as the 144.co.il domain was purchased by one of the founders of the AvaTrade Forex company. In 2011, Bezeq launched a Facebook version of the website.


Bezeq's 144 services and the associated b144.co.il website are a telephone directory. The services provides personal and business phone numbers in Israel. In 2008 the b144 website (12th) surpassed the website ranking of the Israeli Golden Pages (13th) in the TIM ranking. The website was launched using the b144.co.il domain as the 144.co.il domain was purchased by one of the founders of the AvaTrade Forex company. In 2011, Bezeq launched a Facebook version of the website.