BANCStar programming language

BANCStar is a specialist computer programming language for financial applications. The language is an internal language for the (later ) application, which is software to automate the operations of a bank branch. The BANCStar 10.0 release changed the "Screen Code" format to binary, and rearranged the numeric codes into an opcode with a variable number of parameter integers. The 10.0 opcode encoded a bit mapped length value that indicated the length of the command in words.

BANCStar programming language

BANCStar is a specialist computer programming language for financial applications. The language is an internal language for the (later ) application, which is software to automate the operations of a bank branch. The BANCStar 10.0 release changed the "Screen Code" format to binary, and rearranged the numeric codes into an opcode with a variable number of parameter integers. The 10.0 opcode encoded a bit mapped length value that indicated the length of the command in words.