Backup site

A backup site or work area recovery site is a location where an organization can relocate following a disaster, such as fire, flood, terrorist threat or other disruptive event. This is an integral part of the disaster recovery plan and wider business continuity planning of an organization. Sites are generally classified based on how prepared they are and the speed with which they can be brought into operation: "cold" (facility is prepared), "warm" (equipment is in place), "hot" (operational data is loaded) – with increasing cost to implement and maintain with increasing "temperature".

Backup site

A backup site or work area recovery site is a location where an organization can relocate following a disaster, such as fire, flood, terrorist threat or other disruptive event. This is an integral part of the disaster recovery plan and wider business continuity planning of an organization. Sites are generally classified based on how prepared they are and the speed with which they can be brought into operation: "cold" (facility is prepared), "warm" (equipment is in place), "hot" (operational data is loaded) – with increasing cost to implement and maintain with increasing "temperature".