Bad Buzz

Bad Buzz is the third EP by The Mint Chicks, released in February 2010 by . Title track "Bad Buzz" was featured on 95bfm's "Newsgood" segment co-hosted by guitarist Ruban Nielson in January 2010, and it was revealed by website that the EP will be released on a limited edition USB stick. The USB, designed by Ruban Nielson, was sent out to fans from the 15th of February, 2010.

Bad Buzz

Bad Buzz is the third EP by The Mint Chicks, released in February 2010 by . Title track "Bad Buzz" was featured on 95bfm's "Newsgood" segment co-hosted by guitarist Ruban Nielson in January 2010, and it was revealed by website that the EP will be released on a limited edition USB stick. The USB, designed by Ruban Nielson, was sent out to fans from the 15th of February, 2010.