Bakhrabad Gas Field

Bakhrabad Gas Field (Bengali: বাখরাবাদ গ্যাসক্ষেত্র) is a natural gas field located in Comilla, Bangladesh. It was discovered in 1968 by the then Pakistan Shell Oil Company, and started gas production in 1981. Wells were drilled with a depth between 1968 and 2838 meters from the surface. Gas production was 33 million cubic feet per day at that time. According to 2019, the production in Bakharabad Gas Field has declined and producing only 15 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd). It is a subsidiary of Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL).

Bakhrabad Gas Field

Bakhrabad Gas Field (Bengali: বাখরাবাদ গ্যাসক্ষেত্র) is a natural gas field located in Comilla, Bangladesh. It was discovered in 1968 by the then Pakistan Shell Oil Company, and started gas production in 1981. Wells were drilled with a depth between 1968 and 2838 meters from the surface. Gas production was 33 million cubic feet per day at that time. According to 2019, the production in Bakharabad Gas Field has declined and producing only 15 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd). It is a subsidiary of Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL).