Balgat massacre

The Balgat massacre (Turkish: Balgat katliamı) of 10 August 1978 was a mass shooting targeting 3 coffeehouses known with their left-wing customers in Çankaya, Ankara in which 5 died and 14 were injured. The massacre was ordered by Abdullah Çatlı. 2 people, Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu and İsa Armağan, were arrested related to the incident. Pehlivanoğlu was executed on 7 October 1980 and Armağan escaped from prison. He was caught in 1995 and was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. However, he was released after 7 years. According to some idealist sources, Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu was a victim of false accusation and had no connections to the incident.

Balgat massacre

The Balgat massacre (Turkish: Balgat katliamı) of 10 August 1978 was a mass shooting targeting 3 coffeehouses known with their left-wing customers in Çankaya, Ankara in which 5 died and 14 were injured. The massacre was ordered by Abdullah Çatlı. 2 people, Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu and İsa Armağan, were arrested related to the incident. Pehlivanoğlu was executed on 7 October 1980 and Armağan escaped from prison. He was caught in 1995 and was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. However, he was released after 7 years. According to some idealist sources, Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu was a victim of false accusation and had no connections to the incident.