Banking desert

Banking deserts are areas with inadequate banking services. They are usually in rural space due to being less populated, thus there are less profit opportunities for large institutions. Especially vulnerable to the issues associated with banking deserts are low-income residents and the elderly. If basic financial services are unavailable, residents become "vulnerable to predatory lenders and pricey check cashers". In the US, banking deserts are more often found in communities of color than they are elsewhere.

Banking desert

Banking deserts are areas with inadequate banking services. They are usually in rural space due to being less populated, thus there are less profit opportunities for large institutions. Especially vulnerable to the issues associated with banking deserts are low-income residents and the elderly. If basic financial services are unavailable, residents become "vulnerable to predatory lenders and pricey check cashers". In the US, banking deserts are more often found in communities of color than they are elsewhere.