Banned by PBS: Muslims Against Jihad

Islam vs. Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center was a documentary produced for PBS's series America at a Crossroads. When the Corporation for Public Broadcasting refused to air the documentary unless producer Martyn Burke made certain changes, Burke accused the organization of not wanting to air it for political reasons. Burke objected to pressure from one of PBS's executives, who argued that the moderates portrayed in the film should not be considered true Muslims.

Banned by PBS: Muslims Against Jihad

Islam vs. Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center was a documentary produced for PBS's series America at a Crossroads. When the Corporation for Public Broadcasting refused to air the documentary unless producer Martyn Burke made certain changes, Burke accused the organization of not wanting to air it for political reasons. Burke objected to pressure from one of PBS's executives, who argued that the moderates portrayed in the film should not be considered true Muslims.