Banshee Music

Banshee Music is an electronic music publisher and “sonic branding” agency in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Founded in 2007 by GMR Marketing founder/chairman Gary M. Reynolds, Banshee Music creates original music for sports and brand clients, deploying a unique revenue model that allows clients to share partial ownership of the song rights with the writers/performers. In 2009, Banshee Music was profiled in Sports Illustrated, USA Today and Forbes magazine.

Banshee Music

Banshee Music is an electronic music publisher and “sonic branding” agency in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Founded in 2007 by GMR Marketing founder/chairman Gary M. Reynolds, Banshee Music creates original music for sports and brand clients, deploying a unique revenue model that allows clients to share partial ownership of the song rights with the writers/performers. In 2009, Banshee Music was profiled in Sports Illustrated, USA Today and Forbes magazine.