Banza Mukalay

Baudouin Banza Mukalay Nsungu (January 2, 1953 – May 14, 2016) was a Congolese politician, born in Coquilhatville. He had most recently served as the Minister of Culture and the Arts of the Democratic Republic of Congo from December 2014 until his death in May 2016. Previously, Mukalay served as Minister of Youth, Sports, Culture and the Arts from April 2012 until December 2014 under President Joseph Kabila and Minister of Mines from 1996 to 1997 under Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko. In April 2016, Mukalay and his ministry organized the funeral of Congolese musician, Papa Wemba.

Banza Mukalay

Baudouin Banza Mukalay Nsungu (January 2, 1953 – May 14, 2016) was a Congolese politician, born in Coquilhatville. He had most recently served as the Minister of Culture and the Arts of the Democratic Republic of Congo from December 2014 until his death in May 2016. Previously, Mukalay served as Minister of Youth, Sports, Culture and the Arts from April 2012 until December 2014 under President Joseph Kabila and Minister of Mines from 1996 to 1997 under Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko. In April 2016, Mukalay and his ministry organized the funeral of Congolese musician, Papa Wemba.