Bar grip

Bar grip tyres, or 'NDT' (Non-Directional Tire) in US military parlance, are an early tyre tread pattern developed for off-road use. Bar grips are characterised by a solid rubber circumferential centre strip, with large solid cleat alternately to either side. These span the full width of the tread. It is characteristic of this pattern that they do not have any tread pattern or sipes cut into the rubber to clear water.

Bar grip

Bar grip tyres, or 'NDT' (Non-Directional Tire) in US military parlance, are an early tyre tread pattern developed for off-road use. Bar grips are characterised by a solid rubber circumferential centre strip, with large solid cleat alternately to either side. These span the full width of the tread. It is characteristic of this pattern that they do not have any tread pattern or sipes cut into the rubber to clear water.