Bargellini reaction

The Bargellini reaction is a chemical reaction discovered in 1906 by Italian chemist Guido Bargellini. The original reaction was a mixture of the reagents phenol, chloroform, and acetone in the presence of a sodium hydroxide solution. Prior to Bargellini's research, the product attributed to this multi-component reaction (MCR) had been described as a phenol derivative in chemistry texts at the time. However, Bargellini demonstrated that a carboxylic acid derivative was actually the correct structure.

Bargellini reaction

The Bargellini reaction is a chemical reaction discovered in 1906 by Italian chemist Guido Bargellini. The original reaction was a mixture of the reagents phenol, chloroform, and acetone in the presence of a sodium hydroxide solution. Prior to Bargellini's research, the product attributed to this multi-component reaction (MCR) had been described as a phenol derivative in chemistry texts at the time. However, Bargellini demonstrated that a carboxylic acid derivative was actually the correct structure.