Barronette Peak

Barronette Peak el. 10,354 feet (3,156 m) is a mountain peak in the northeast section of Yellowstone National Park in the Absaroka Range. The peak is named for Collins Jack (John H. Yellowstone Jack) Baronette (1829–1901). It was named by the Hayden Geological Survey of 1878. When named, the name was misspelled Barronette and it retains the official misspelled name today. Images of Barronette Peak * Barronette Peak's namesake, Jack Baronette * Barronette Peak, ca 1890 * January, 2010 * Barronette Peak panorama

Barronette Peak

Barronette Peak el. 10,354 feet (3,156 m) is a mountain peak in the northeast section of Yellowstone National Park in the Absaroka Range. The peak is named for Collins Jack (John H. Yellowstone Jack) Baronette (1829–1901). It was named by the Hayden Geological Survey of 1878. When named, the name was misspelled Barronette and it retains the official misspelled name today. Images of Barronette Peak * Barronette Peak's namesake, Jack Baronette * Barronette Peak, ca 1890 * January, 2010 * Barronette Peak panorama