Barthélémy Bisengimana

Barthélémy Bisengimana Rwema (born 12 May 1935) was a Zairean official who served as head of the Bureau of the President under Mobutu Sese Seko from May 1969 to February 1977. Bisengimana was a member of the Tutsi ethnic group whose rise to prominence was largely the result of the complete dependence of the Banyarwanda upon the central government for power, which made them reliable supporters. A native of Cyangugu Province in Rwanda, in 1961 Bisengimana was the first graduate with a degree in electrical engineering from Lovanium University in Kinshasa.

Barthélémy Bisengimana

Barthélémy Bisengimana Rwema (born 12 May 1935) was a Zairean official who served as head of the Bureau of the President under Mobutu Sese Seko from May 1969 to February 1977. Bisengimana was a member of the Tutsi ethnic group whose rise to prominence was largely the result of the complete dependence of the Banyarwanda upon the central government for power, which made them reliable supporters. A native of Cyangugu Province in Rwanda, in 1961 Bisengimana was the first graduate with a degree in electrical engineering from Lovanium University in Kinshasa.