Bartolomeo Maria Dal Monte

Bartolomeo Maria Dal Monte (3 November 1726 – 24 December 1778) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest who exercised his pastoral mission in his home town of Bologna. He established the Opera Pia Mission as part of the missions. He preached in around 62 Italian dioceses and founded his own to prepare diocesan priests for the missions with the emphasis that Jesus Christ was the center of all missionaries as integral to the function of the missions. He emulated the example of Leonardo da Porto Maurizio for his preaching abilities. Dal Monte was beatified on 27 September 1997.

Bartolomeo Maria Dal Monte

Bartolomeo Maria Dal Monte (3 November 1726 – 24 December 1778) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest who exercised his pastoral mission in his home town of Bologna. He established the Opera Pia Mission as part of the missions. He preached in around 62 Italian dioceses and founded his own to prepare diocesan priests for the missions with the emphasis that Jesus Christ was the center of all missionaries as integral to the function of the missions. He emulated the example of Leonardo da Porto Maurizio for his preaching abilities. Dal Monte was beatified on 27 September 1997.