Bassam Kanj

Bassam Kanj (1965–2000) was one of four men, along with Mohamad Elzahabi, Nabil al-Marabh and Raed Hijazi, who met each other at the Khalden training camp during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Although the four men each went their separate ways following the war, in 1998 they were all working as cab drivers in Boston, Massachusetts, the first three of them all working for the same company.

Bassam Kanj

Bassam Kanj (1965–2000) was one of four men, along with Mohamad Elzahabi, Nabil al-Marabh and Raed Hijazi, who met each other at the Khalden training camp during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Although the four men each went their separate ways following the war, in 1998 they were all working as cab drivers in Boston, Massachusetts, the first three of them all working for the same company.