Battle of Canhe Slope

Battle of Canhe Slope (Chinese: 參合陂之戰) refers to a battle in 395 where the Chinese/Xianbei state Later Yan, then ruling over northern and central China, had launched a punitive campaign against its former vassal Northern Wei, also of Xianbei extraction. Later Yan forces were led by its crown prince Murong Bao and enjoyed some initial successes, but after being frustrated by the containment strategy of Northern Wei's prince Tuoba Gui (the later Emperor Daowu), withdrew.

Battle of Canhe Slope

Battle of Canhe Slope (Chinese: 參合陂之戰) refers to a battle in 395 where the Chinese/Xianbei state Later Yan, then ruling over northern and central China, had launched a punitive campaign against its former vassal Northern Wei, also of Xianbei extraction. Later Yan forces were led by its crown prince Murong Bao and enjoyed some initial successes, but after being frustrated by the containment strategy of Northern Wei's prince Tuoba Gui (the later Emperor Daowu), withdrew.