Battle of Clos du Doubs

The Battle of Clos du Doubs took place between 18 and 20 June 1940, during the Battle of France. The Polish 2nd Rifle Division, commanded by General Bronislaw Prugar-Ketling, defended the frontline in the area of the Clos du Doubs, located near French-Swiss border. The task of the Poles was to close all roads leading to Switzerland, and to achieve this, General Prugar-Ketling divided his forces into two parts: southern (4th Warsaw Rifle Regiment, commanded by Colonel ), and northern (9th Kresy Infantry Regiment, commanded by Colonel ).

Battle of Clos du Doubs

The Battle of Clos du Doubs took place between 18 and 20 June 1940, during the Battle of France. The Polish 2nd Rifle Division, commanded by General Bronislaw Prugar-Ketling, defended the frontline in the area of the Clos du Doubs, located near French-Swiss border. The task of the Poles was to close all roads leading to Switzerland, and to achieve this, General Prugar-Ketling divided his forces into two parts: southern (4th Warsaw Rifle Regiment, commanded by Colonel ), and northern (9th Kresy Infantry Regiment, commanded by Colonel ).