Battle of Dorylaeum (1097)

The Battle of Dorylaeum took place during the First Crusade on 1 July 1097, between the crusader forces and the Seljuk Turks, near the city of Dorylaeum in Anatolia. Despite the Turkish forces of Kilij Arslan almost destroying the Crusader contingent of Bohemond, other Crusaders arrived just in time for a very close victory.

Battle of Dorylaeum (1097)

The Battle of Dorylaeum took place during the First Crusade on 1 July 1097, between the crusader forces and the Seljuk Turks, near the city of Dorylaeum in Anatolia. Despite the Turkish forces of Kilij Arslan almost destroying the Crusader contingent of Bohemond, other Crusaders arrived just in time for a very close victory.