Battle of Nomae

The Battle of Nomae was a battle fought in 450 BCE between a united Sicel army under the command of Ducetius and the Greeks of Syracuse. Ducetius was defeated and his Sicel state broke down soon after. The Greeks regrouped over winter and launched a second assault in the spring of 450. Akragas moved to retake Motyon while Syracuse, who were probably fielding their full remaining army of around 4,500 to 5,500 troops, moved to engage Ducetius. The forces met at Nomae and the Greeks gained a victory this time.

Battle of Nomae

The Battle of Nomae was a battle fought in 450 BCE between a united Sicel army under the command of Ducetius and the Greeks of Syracuse. Ducetius was defeated and his Sicel state broke down soon after. The Greeks regrouped over winter and launched a second assault in the spring of 450. Akragas moved to retake Motyon while Syracuse, who were probably fielding their full remaining army of around 4,500 to 5,500 troops, moved to engage Ducetius. The forces met at Nomae and the Greeks gained a victory this time.