Battle of the Standard

The Battle of the Standard, sometimes called the Battle of Northallerton, took place on 22 August 1138 on Cowton Moor near Northallerton in Yorkshire. English forces under William of Aumale repelled a Scottish army led by King David I of Scotland. King David had entered England for two declared reasons: * To support his niece Matilda's claim to the English throne against that of King Stephen (married to another niece) * To enlarge his kingdom beyond his previous gains. David's forces had already taken much of Northumberland apart from castles at Wark and Bamburgh.

Battle of the Standard

The Battle of the Standard, sometimes called the Battle of Northallerton, took place on 22 August 1138 on Cowton Moor near Northallerton in Yorkshire. English forces under William of Aumale repelled a Scottish army led by King David I of Scotland. King David had entered England for two declared reasons: * To support his niece Matilda's claim to the English throne against that of King Stephen (married to another niece) * To enlarge his kingdom beyond his previous gains. David's forces had already taken much of Northumberland apart from castles at Wark and Bamburgh.