Beck's American Translation

Beck's American Translation is an abbreviated version of "The Holy Bible: An American Translation" by William F. Beck (abbreviated BECK, but also AAT; not to be confused with Smith/Goodspeed's earlier "An American Translation" , which is abbreviated AAT or SGAT). The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod's Concordia Publishing House published his "An American Translation--The New Testament In The Language Of Today" in 1963. The preface to the 1976 Bicentennial edition, written by Herman Otten, states:

Beck's American Translation

Beck's American Translation is an abbreviated version of "The Holy Bible: An American Translation" by William F. Beck (abbreviated BECK, but also AAT; not to be confused with Smith/Goodspeed's earlier "An American Translation" , which is abbreviated AAT or SGAT). The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod's Concordia Publishing House published his "An American Translation--The New Testament In The Language Of Today" in 1963. The preface to the 1976 Bicentennial edition, written by Herman Otten, states: