Bedaria tribe

Bedaria (Arabic: قبيلة البديرية‎ or البديرية) is a branch of Ja'alin tribes or Ja'alia are an Arabic speaking, Semitic tribe. The Bedaria constitute a large portion of Sudanese Arabs, and traditionally only speak Arabic. Sudanese Arabs are the Arabic-speaking majority population of Sudan. They are predominantly Muslim and most of them speak the Sudanese Arabic dialect.

Bedaria tribe

Bedaria (Arabic: قبيلة البديرية‎ or البديرية) is a branch of Ja'alin tribes or Ja'alia are an Arabic speaking, Semitic tribe. The Bedaria constitute a large portion of Sudanese Arabs, and traditionally only speak Arabic. Sudanese Arabs are the Arabic-speaking majority population of Sudan. They are predominantly Muslim and most of them speak the Sudanese Arabic dialect.