Beddomeia fultoni

Beddomeia fultoni (B. fultoni) is a species of small freshwater snail belonging to the family Tateidae. The species is endemic to Australia. Commonly known as Farnhams Creek hydrobiid snail, the species used to belong to the Hydrobiidae family sensu lato (s.l.) and is listed as one of 37 threatened Beddomeia species on the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995.

Beddomeia fultoni

Beddomeia fultoni (B. fultoni) is a species of small freshwater snail belonging to the family Tateidae. The species is endemic to Australia. Commonly known as Farnhams Creek hydrobiid snail, the species used to belong to the Hydrobiidae family sensu lato (s.l.) and is listed as one of 37 threatened Beddomeia species on the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995.