
Beforeigners is a Norwegian six-part television series that premiered on 21 August 2019. It is the first Norwegian-language series produced by HBO Europe. The show was created and written by Eilif Skodvin and Anne Bjørnstad and directed by Jens Lien. Beforeigners was produced by Rubicon TV AS. In September 2020, HBO confirmed that the series had been renewed for a second season.


Beforeigners is a Norwegian six-part television series that premiered on 21 August 2019. It is the first Norwegian-language series produced by HBO Europe. The show was created and written by Eilif Skodvin and Anne Bjørnstad and directed by Jens Lien. Beforeigners was produced by Rubicon TV AS. In September 2020, HBO confirmed that the series had been renewed for a second season.