Belas Shopping

Belas Shopping is the first modern shopping center of Angola, located in the Talatona city, in Luanda Province. Covering an area of almost 120,000 square meters, with a budgeted investment initially of 35 million dollars, it was built by Angolan subsidiary Odebrecht. The official opening was on March 29, 2007, attended by government officials, politicians, entrepreneurs, the press, and others.

Belas Shopping

Belas Shopping is the first modern shopping center of Angola, located in the Talatona city, in Luanda Province. Covering an area of almost 120,000 square meters, with a budgeted investment initially of 35 million dollars, it was built by Angolan subsidiary Odebrecht. The official opening was on March 29, 2007, attended by government officials, politicians, entrepreneurs, the press, and others.