
Belaventura is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Casablanca and broadcast by RecordTV. Created and written by Gustavo Reiz. It premiered on July 25, 2017, replacing the rerun of A Escrava Isaura, and ended on January 26, 2018, replaced by the rerun of Os Dez Mandamentos. It stars Bernardo Velasco, Rayanne Morais, and . Set in medieval times, the telenovela shows a history of love established between a prince and a plebeian, who survives in a chaotic kingdom called Belaventura, where numerous conflicts and wars are proclaimed and whose castle is surrounded by guards.


Belaventura is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Casablanca and broadcast by RecordTV. Created and written by Gustavo Reiz. It premiered on July 25, 2017, replacing the rerun of A Escrava Isaura, and ended on January 26, 2018, replaced by the rerun of Os Dez Mandamentos. It stars Bernardo Velasco, Rayanne Morais, and . Set in medieval times, the telenovela shows a history of love established between a prince and a plebeian, who survives in a chaotic kingdom called Belaventura, where numerous conflicts and wars are proclaimed and whose castle is surrounded by guards.