Belgrade IT sector

The IT sector of Belgrade is the concentration of information technology centers and service providers in the Serbian Capital of Belgrade. With 6,924 companies in the IT sector (2013 data), Belgrade is one of the most important information technology centers in Southeast Europe, with strong growth. Many global companies have decided to outsource their IT requirements into Serbia as a result of the highly educated populace yet significantly lower wages (compared to western Europe or the U.S.A.). The IT sector in Serbia is well on its way to becoming the largest sector of the Serbian economy.

Belgrade IT sector

The IT sector of Belgrade is the concentration of information technology centers and service providers in the Serbian Capital of Belgrade. With 6,924 companies in the IT sector (2013 data), Belgrade is one of the most important information technology centers in Southeast Europe, with strong growth. Many global companies have decided to outsource their IT requirements into Serbia as a result of the highly educated populace yet significantly lower wages (compared to western Europe or the U.S.A.). The IT sector in Serbia is well on its way to becoming the largest sector of the Serbian economy.