
Beltel was the name and trademark used by the South African Department of Posts and Telecommunications (later Telkom) for its Videotex system between the mid eighties and 1999. The system used telephone lines and modems connected to personal computers or to dumb terminals which had built in modems. Booklets/Magazines:What is BELTEL?BELTEL user manual. (Setting up, Facilities, Passwords, Logging off, Mail, Commands) Videotex SA Beltel. (Various business services for its 14,000 users) (In 1990)BELTEL as a business toolThe BELTEL post box.Telematics: (News, views, reviews and adverts) (Seasonal)


Beltel was the name and trademark used by the South African Department of Posts and Telecommunications (later Telkom) for its Videotex system between the mid eighties and 1999. The system used telephone lines and modems connected to personal computers or to dumb terminals which had built in modems. Booklets/Magazines:What is BELTEL?BELTEL user manual. (Setting up, Facilities, Passwords, Logging off, Mail, Commands) Videotex SA Beltel. (Various business services for its 14,000 users) (In 1990)BELTEL as a business toolThe BELTEL post box.Telematics: (News, views, reviews and adverts) (Seasonal)